Data Entry Operator Jobs: People who do the work of inputting data into computers are called data entry operators, for this, they can use any type of input device including a keyboard, scanner, barcode reader, OMR scanner etc. Some data may need to be typed or translated after viewing. – What is data or database
Data entry is a person-based process, when any data has to be saved in the computer, which cannot be saved by the computer itself, then a person is needed who does the work of data entry. Converting the hard copies to soft copies or saving any line of data in a computer is called data entry. There are many types of data entry, the person who does data entry work is called a computer operator. Under data entry, a computer operator saves the data in the computer with the help of software, many types of software can be used in this, including MS Office, Word Pad, Excel or other software.
When we write anything on the computer from our keyboard, it is also a type of data entry. If we talk about what is data, then let us tell you that images, videos and text are the same types of data for all computers. There are many e-commerce and other types of websites on the Internet that provide data entry for customer feedback on their products. Apart from computers or laptops, data entry can also be done from mobile, there are many such websites, which conduct online surveys, from which the company gets information related to the product. With this, she is now able to advertise her product very well. Here the user doing an online survey is also given some money in return.
In Hindi
जो लोग कंप्यूटर में डेटा इनपुट करने का काम करते हैं उन्हें डेटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर कहा जाता है, इसके लिए वे कीबोर्ड, स्कैनर, बारकोड रीडर, ओएमआर स्कैनर इत्यादि सहित किसी भी प्रकार के इनपुट डिवाइस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। कुछ डेटा को टाइप करने या अनुवाद करने के बाद अनुवाद करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। देखना। – डेटा या डेटाबेस क्या है
डेटा एंट्री एक व्यक्ति-आधारित प्रक्रिया है, जब किसी भी डेटा को कंप्यूटर में सेव करना होता है, जिसे कंप्यूटर द्वारा ही सेव नहीं किया जा सकता है, तो एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की जरूरत होती है जो डेटा एंट्री का काम करे। हार्ड कॉपी को सॉफ्ट कॉपी में बदलना या कंप्यूटर में डेटा की किसी भी लाइन को सेव करना डेटा एंट्री कहलाता है। डाटा एंट्री कई प्रकार की होती है, जो व्यक्ति डाटा एंट्री का काम करता है उसे कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर कहा जाता है।डाटा एंट्री के तहत एक कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर सॉफ्टवेयर की मदद से डाटा को कंप्यूटर में सेव करता है, इसमें कई तरह के सॉफ्टवेयर का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है, जिसमें एमएस ऑफिस, वर्ड पैड, एक्सेल या अन्य सॉफ्टवेयर शामिल हैं।
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जब हम अपने कीबोर्ड से कंप्यूटर पर कुछ भी लिखते हैं तो वह भी एक प्रकार की डाटा एंट्री ही होती है। अगर हम बात करें डेटा क्या है तो हम आपको बता दें कि इमेज, वीडियो और टेक्स्ट सभी कंप्यूटरों के लिए एक ही तरह के डेटा होते हैं। इंटरनेट पर कई ई-कॉमर्स और अन्य प्रकार की वेबसाइटें हैं जो अपने उत्पादों पर ग्राहकों की प्रतिक्रिया के लिए डेटा प्रविष्टि प्रदान करती हैं। कंप्यूटर या लैपटॉप के अलावा मोबाइल से भी डाटा एंट्री की जा सकती है, कई ऐसी वेबसाइट हैं, जो ऑनलाइन सर्वे करती हैं, जिनसे कंपनी को प्रोडक्ट से जुड़ी जानकारी मिलती है। इससे वह अब अपने उत्पाद का बखूबी विज्ञापन कर पा रही हैं। यहां ऑनलाइन सर्वे करने वाले यूजर को बदले में कुछ पैसे भी दिए जाते हैं।

Types of Data Entry Jobs
Today, the way different types of companies are coming, similarly, data entry jobs are also increasing continuously. And Even today many data entry jobs are vacant, and every year many people do data entry jobs and earn good money. So let’s know how many types of data entries are there –
- Audio to text
- Captcha entry job
- Caption
- Catalogue data entry operator
- Content writing
- Copy and paste the job
- Email processing
- Web-based data entry
- Formatting and editing tasks
- Image-to-text data entry
- Medical transcriptionist
- Online data capturing job
- Online form filling
- Online survey job
- Payroll data entry operator
- Updating database
Data Entry Operator Jobs: If you get any of these data entry jobs then you have been told about all data entry jobs. So all the information about this is given to you by the client, and he tells you how to complete these tasks. Suppose you get a job to convert audio into text, then you have to listen to that audio completely and after listening to it, write it on Microsoft Word and send it to the client by making a PDF. Apart from this, if the client needs something else, then he gives you complete information about it.
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How to do data entry
Whenever you go for a data entry job in any office. And so there you are given data by your office or client, and you have to save this data in digital form. You can write the data into Excel, MS Word or PDF files. Apart from this, many companies get the company data updated from the data entry operator, in which new incoming data has to be added to the old data. You can also do data entry work from a computer, laptop or mobile. You can use MS Word, Excel, Google Sheets, Google Docs, PDFs and much other software to do data entry, it depends on your work, and what kind of work you were given for data entry. Is.
- If you have been given the task of content writing, then you can send the article by writing on the topic given by the client. Though it is a part of content marketing we can put it in data entry also. Because even in data entry there is a task of writing some content.
- If you need to scan your company’s document, now scan the entire file using any scanning software, and add it to the client’s database.
- If you have been given the task of an online survey under data entry, then for this a website is provided to you by the client itself, in which you are told on which website or software you have to do an online survey.
- Spelling check also comes under data entry. Under this, before submitting any important document, the spelling of that document is checked, so that there is no error in it.
- Many times in data entry, you have to do such work, in which you just have to copy and paste the data from one document to another.
- Apart from this, many different types of software are used to do whatever data entry tasks you do.
- To do data entry work, it is very important for you to have knowledge of technology, so that you can easily understand all the software.
What is the salary of a data entry operator?
If you do data entry work in which company, then here you get a salary of 10 to 18 thousand rupees per month in the beginning. When you get some experience then your salary also increases according to your experience. Apart from this, the salary of your data entry job also depends on the client, if there is a good client, then he can also give you more salary. With data entry in mind, you can also apply for government jobs.
How to become a data entry operator
If you want to become a data entry operator, then you must read all the important information given here. Here you have been told all those things, which should be in a good data entry operator. If you have all these skills then you can make your career in Data Entry Operator Jobs. So let’s know which those skills you should have-

Educational Qualification
If you want to become a Data Entry Operator then you must have a minimum qualification of 12th. Apart from this, it depends on the company you choose, and what qualification is sought in the place where you work. However, data entry operator jobs in many big MNC companies require a degree.
Computer knowledge
Data Entry Operator should have computer knowledge. Apart from this, knowledge of some basic computer software should also be there, which includes Excel, MS Office etc. You should also know how to email a company or an individual.
Typing speed
Typing speed is also an important part of a data entry job. For this, you also have to increase your typing speed. Because many times we get such a job, where we have to do a lot of typing. For this, you should practice typing on a computer or laptop daily. Your typing speed should be at least 30 words per minute for a data entry job.
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Language information
It is very important for you to have knowledge of the English language for data entry or any job. However, here comes the biggest problem, for those who have studied in a Hindi medium school, it is a big challenge. But in today’s time, the English language is given a lot of importance. If you have good English communication, you can get a better job here. But if you do not have much knowledge of English, then no need to worry, as there are many companies that hire both Hindi and English Data Entry Operators. English is mostly used in MNC companies only.
Best Data Entry Operator Jobs
You will find a lot of data entry jobs on the internet. But it is very important for you to know which job is best for you. So let’s know about the best data entry job, after which you can earn a lot.
Basic typing job
Typing jobs are the most sought-after data entry jobs. Under this, you have to do typing in Microsoft Word or a document etc. To do this job, your typing speed should be very good. If your typing speed is 30 words per minute then increase your typing speed by practising daily. So You can earn good money from this job.
Fill out the survey form
You can also earn money by doing online surveys in data entry. There are many companies that conduct surveys related to their products. During this survey, you are asked some simple questions which you have to answer correctly. Although the trend of online surveys is not that much in India, you will find online survey websites, you will find many international websites. But before working on any survey website, you should get complete information about its payment, how many surveys it gives you, and how much money. Only after this start the online survey work.
Data Entry Operator Jobs: Copy and paste the job
In the copy-paste job of data entry, you have to do work related to Excel. Under this, you have to copy the data of a company from any software and paste it into Excel. Or apart from this, there are many other data, which are copied and pasted. For this job, you must have knowledge of the English language.
Medical coding jobs
Medical coding work is done very carefully, while doing this work you have to pay full attention. Because there are many different types of product codes under it, which you have to save in a Word Document.

Captcha entry job
You must have heard somewhere before about the work of filling captcha. Because nowadays there are many such websites on the internet, which give you up to $ 1 for filling 1000 captchas. If you find it easy to fill Captcha then you can do this work. For this, you have to look for a reliable captcha website on the internet, and you can do the work of captcha entry by creating your account on it.
Payroll data entry operator
The job of the payroll data entry operator is to save the bio-data of all the employees working in the company. Under this, the data entry operator has to save the salary, address and any other information of the employees. There are many companies that do this kind of work.
Catalogue data entry operator
The job of the Catalog Data Entry Operator is to write about all the products of the company in an excel spreadsheet and manage their serial numbers, product names and all product information properly. This task is a bit easier than the other tasks.
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